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  • Karma & Reincarnation

    The philosophy of Karma and Reincarnation is based on cause and effect and is generated by a person’s actions. Throughout the Law of Karma, the manifestation of perfect justice is apparent. You are who you are because of your many past lives. Never feel sorry for yourself, never ask why me and never compare your life to anyone else's. You're alone in this journey and you live by the decisions and choices you make. Reincarnation is the transmigration of the soul in its quest for further spiritual growth in every life-time. A person must take on many births until they reach Moksha which is a state of Nirvana. Just as a pebble is moulded by the swirling waters over time, so is the soul’s consciousness by experiences lived through various life times. Karmic Law teaches us to be at one with nature and to flow with it, otherwise we waste our energy in undirected efforts. We have control over our karma to a certain degree, if we use our free will to make the correct decisions and choices in life. When we accept that suffering has a purpose and effort is not wasted, life then becomes full of hope and meaning. However, free will alone cannot shift one’s current path in life to what is required. One has to resort to the use of Muhurtha (auspicious timing), mantras, yantras and healing crystals. The planets associated with Karma are Saturn, North Node and the South Node of the Moon. The healing crystals associated with these planets are Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli and Tiger’s Eye SHOP NOW SHOP NOW SHOP NOW

  • Obsidian - A Stone of Compassion & Strength

    Obsidian, a protective stone, grounds the user whilst guarding against emotional stress and tension. It stimulates growth urging you to widen your horizons. It's a strong psychic protection stone that dissolves emotional blockages and past life trauma. It's known as the stone of compassion and strength. It's lucky for wealth and enhances good fortune. For Feng Shui, it's best to place Obsidian near your front door to stop any negative energy entering your home. It represents the Root chakra and clears all energy blockages. Black Obsidian enhances creativity, independent thought, tact and cooperation. Snowflake Obsidian, a stone of purity, brings balance and is black with white specks. It’s used to treat disorders of veins. Healing Properties – Anxiety / Stress, Confidence, Creativity, Health, Luck, Positivity, Protection, Success, Inner Peace SHOP NOW SHOP NOW

  • Maha-Moola Mantra - Let Go and Move On

    Maha-Moola is a very powerful grounding mantra that helps remove negative energy. Life is our teacher and we are its eternal students. It's ok to think about the past and the future but always remember to live in the moment. What we do right now has the power to change our path for the better. Listening to this mantra, will help you make better decisions in your life and will connect you to your inner self as well as the universe. Om Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma Purushothama Paramatma Sri Bhagavathi Sametha Sri Bhagavathe Namaha Om - We are calling on the highest energy, of all there is Sat - The formless Chit - Consciousness of the universe Ananda - Pure love, bliss and joy Parabrahma -The supreme creator Purushothama - Who has incarnated in human form to help guide mankind Paramatma - Who comes to me in my heart, and becomes my inner voice whenever I ask Sri Bhagavati - The divine mother, the power aspect of creation Sametha - Together within Sri Bhagavate -The Father of creation which is unchangeable and permanent Namaha - I thank you and acknowledge this presence in my life. I ask for your guidance at all times SHOP NOW

  • Mercury Retrograde, 29th May - 22nd June 2021

    Mercury, the planet of communication, technology, travel and legal matters is going retrograde on the 29th May - 22nd June 2021. That's more than three weeks of garbled communications, misunderstandings and mix ups. So what does this mean for you? Whenever Mercury goes retrograde it's a good time to slow down, think before you speak and consider your actions as they may be misinterpreted and cause arguments. Do not sign any contracts in haste without reading the small print as you may overlook something important. Before travelling, make sure your papers and documents are in order to avoid missing your flight. If you have a meeting, make sure you leave early as travel could also be affected and you could end up being late. Don't misplace or drop your mobile as already mentioned all sorts of communication will be adversely affected. If you don't want to lose your data make sure you back it up. Mercury retrograde signifies chaos and can also cause tension in the work place. Mercury retrograde affects relationships that are already fragile and stretched to breaking point. If your relationship is built on a weak foundation, there's a likelihood of a break up so avoid arguments if you can. What Healing Crystals Can Help You Green healing crystals are linked with the planet Mercury. As Mercury is a thinking planet, the use of these crystals will calm you down and help you make the right decisions. Jade, Green Agate, Amazonite, Malachite, Aventurine, Peridot and more! SHOP NOW

  • Reinvent Yourself - Cleanse Your Healing Crystals

    Whenever you get healing crystals it's imperative you cleanse them. This is because you want to imbue them with your own energy so that they work for you. How to cleanse your crystals Get a glass of water and put some rock salt in it Place your crystals in the salt water Take them out and rinse them under fresh water Leave the crystals on your windowsill for a day starting at night so that they benefit from both moonlight and sunlight Sit with them, have the stones in your palm while you meditate, or while you're watching TV. Hold them when you have a stressful day to ensure their energy works for you. To fully benefit, you should listen to mantras while you hold them, chant and meditate with them Put the crystals in your hand with intent and focus on your affirmations. Visualise the manifestation of all your desires Healing crystals act as positive mediators with the energy around us. We need to regularly cleanse our stones to get them back to their natural state so that they can help us soothe our mind, body and soul. The reason we use this process is to release the natural energy contained within the stone. Taking these measures helps us with our mindfulness and wellbeing. Also remember to let go of any negative energy before you start the process. Forgive, Let Go and Move On. SHOP NOW LISTEN TO MANTRAS HEALING MANTRA - MARS POSITIVE ENERGY - TUESDAY OM KRAM KRIM KRAUM SAH BHAUMAYA NAMAH

  • Fluorite - The Stone for Self Confidence & Positivity

    Fluorite, a stabilising stone, increases mental clarity, impartiality and intuition. It guards against chaotic disruptive thoughts and actions. It’s good for your physical and mental health making you more organised and determined to the reach the goals you set yourself. Fluorite can be blue, purple, pink, green, yellow, magenta, red, black or colourless. Blue Fluorite produces calm energy and promotes clear and concise communication skills. Its energy is thought to help with inflammation and disorders of the inner nasal passages. Green Fluorite increases positivity and eliminates negative energy. Its energy is thought to help with disorders of the stomach, heartburn, colitis and a sore throat. Purple Fluorite, a third eye stone, increases intuition, rationality and communication to the user. Its energy is thought to treat disorders associated with body, bone and cellular structures. Healing Properties – Anxiety / Stress, Communication, Concentration, Confidence, Health, Positivity, Protection, Success SHOP NOW

  • Tiger's Eye - A Stone for Creativity, Luck and Protection

    Tiger’s Eye represents the Sun. It's good for creativity, inner peace, clarity of mind and intuition. Its energy is thought to help alleviate depression, increase positivity, perceptiveness and awareness. The colour range includes red, brown, gold, cream, black and blue. Its energy is also thought to help with disorders of the eye, throat and reproductive system. Healing Properties – Anxiety / Stress, Communication, Concentration, Confidence, Creativity, Luck, Positivity, Protection, Inner Peace SHOP NOW SHOP NOW

  • Enhance the Power of Healing Crystals With Copper

    Copper brings luck, initiative, independence, optimism and self -acceptance to the user. Its energy is thought to combat lethargy, passivity and restlessness It's an essential nutrient for the body and together with iron, helps the body form red blood cells. It contributes to iron absorption and helps maintain healthy bones, blood vessels, nerves, and immune function. Tiger's Eye Healing Crystal Gemstone Copper Choker SHOP NOW Tiger’s Eye stimulates peace, clarity of mind and intuition. Its energy is thought to alleviate depression, increase positivity, perceptiveness and awareness. The colour range includes red, brown, gold, cream, black and blue. Its energy is thought to help with disorders of the eye, throat and reproductive system. Rose Quartz Healing Crystal Gemstone Copper Choker SHOP NOW Rose Quartz, the stone of love, removes negativity and reaffirms self-love. It enhances calmness and brings clarity to the user. It balances emotions and reduces stress and tension in relationships. It’s pink in colour. Clear Quartz Healing Crystal Gemstone Copper Choker SHOP NOW Clear Crystal Quartz, the stone of power, transforms thoughts, produces positive energy and stimulates healing. Its energy is thought to help with circulatory disorders. Garnet Healing Crystal Gemstone Copper Choker SHOP NOW Garnet, the stone of health, commitment and devotion promotes expansiveness and manifestation of desires. It’s a fire stone that increases a person’s creative energy to the point of implementation. Garnet provides protective and calming energy and discourages chaotic and disruptive growth. It treats disorders of the spine, heart, lungs and blood. Turquoise Healing Crystal Gemstone Copper Choker SHOP NOW Turquoise, the master healer, is a stone of communication and prosperity. It enhances creative expression, peace of mind, loyalty and friendship. Its colour range is pale blue, greenish blue or pale green. Its energy is said to help absorb nutrients and stimulate tissue regeneration. It's good for the throat, lungs and bones. Amethyst Healing Crystal Gemstone Copper Choker SHOP NOW Amethyst, a stone of spirituality, contentment and meditation stimulates creative thinking, spiritual awareness and intellectual reasoning. Its energy is thought to bring inner peace and calm to the wearer. It’s a variety of quartz and is used to combat insomnia.

  • Carnelian - The Stone of Empowerment

    Carnelian, a stone of empowerment helps the wearer channel their energy positively. It stimulates the Sacral Chakra and increases confidence and motivation. Carnelian is also good for the mind. It increases initiative, inquisitiveness, perceptiveness, and analytical abilities. It’s also good for concentration, creativity, compassion and physical vitality. It dispels apathy and increases motivation for success. It’s a form of chalcedony and is usually orange, red, red-brown. If banded, it can be identified as both Carnelian and Agate. It can aid in disorders of the spleen, spine and pancreas. Healing Properties – Anxiety / Stress, Confidence, Creativity, Health, Love, Positivity, Protection, Success, Inner Peace SHOP NOW

  • Amber - A Healing Warrior Stone for Protection, Fidelity & Good Health

    Amber is not actually a stone but fossilised tree resin. It's great for good health and healing. Amber manifests desires, stimulates intellect, increases physical vitality and activates unconditional love. It was often worn to bring luck to warriors and symbolised promises and marriage renewal vows. Amber rules the Solar Plexus Chakra. It relieves headaches, increases patience, wisdom and has anti - inflammatory properties. Ultimately it is a stone of protection and grounding. Amber is usually yellow to golden brown in colour. It can also contain hues of red, blue or green. Healing Properties – Anxiety / Stress, Creativity, Health, Love, Luck, Positivity, Protection, Success, Inner Peace SHOP NOW SHOP NOW

  • Howlite - The Stone for Insomnia

    Howlite promotes calm communication, patience, ambition and a desire for knowledge. It dispels stress, anger and anxiety. It balances calcium levels in the body and can be used to treat disorders of teeth, bones and soft tissues. It balances an overactive mind, strengthens the memory and helps with insomnia. Healing Properties – Concentration, Confidence, Health, Positivity, Success SHOP NOW SHOP NOW

  • Amethyst - A Saturn Stone that Increases Mental Clarity and Balances Mood Swings

    Amethyst, a stone of spirituality, contentment and meditation stimulates mental clarity, spiritual awareness and intellectual reasoning. It's a Saturn stone that rules Saturday and clears up negative energy. It helps aid depression and balances mood swings. It brings inner peace and calm to the wearer. It’s a variety of quartz and it is used to combat insomnia. If you're feeling stressed because of work, place Amethyst on your desk. If your relationships are getting you down place it near your bed. If you wake up and you feel like you're off balance wear Amethyst and benefit from its energy. If you're working on your laptop or your mobile and there's a lot of electrical energy around you Amethyst helps clear the atmosphere. Healing Properties – Anxiety / Stress, Concentration, Confidence, Health, Protection, Success, Inner Peace SHOP NOW SHOP NOW

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