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Fluorite a stabilising stone, increases mental clarity, impartiality and intuition. Its energy is thought to guard against chaotic, disruptive thoughts and actions. It’s believed to be good for your physical and mental health making the user more organised and determined to reach the goals they set.


Fluorite can be blue, purple, pink, green, yellow, magenta, red, black or colourless. Blue Fluorite produces calm energy and promotes clear and concise communication skills. Green Fluorite increases positivity and eliminates negative energy. Fluorite, a third eye stone, increases intuition, rationality and communication to the user. Its energy is thought to help with disorders associated with body, bone and cellular structures.


Read our article

Fluorite - The Stone for Self Confidence & Positivity


Healing PropertiesConfidence, Concentration, CommunicationSuccess, PositivityProtectionAnxiety / Stress, Health




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