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March 21 - April 20
Your horizons have most certainly expanding. Jupiter in the area of your chart ruling long-distance travel and philosophical thoughts will make your mind run wild. With Venus transiting your networking sector for some time, there will be many romantic opportunities. Your financial affairs are looking up.
April 21 - May 21
The Sun and Venus highlight your second house of finance, and your focus is on material affairs and comfort issues. This is a good time to plan your future investments carefully to maximise your profits. It’s time to use that creative imagination of yours to create grandeur in your life. Anything or anyone that drains your time and energy should be re-evaluated.
May 22 - June 21
Relationships look great as Venus and Jupiter help to enhance your personal magnetism and put you in a gregarious mood. There are subtle transformations taking shape in you life and a feeling of helpful influences in the background. There is much to suggest that you are in tune with your inner self.
June 22 - July 22
With both Venus and Mars resonating powerfully in your Solar chart, amorous affairs are likely to become extremely intense. Sometimes it is better to get a more objective view of the pattern of your life. You may find that you can enrich your lifestyle by simplifying certain areas and re-organising your priorities.
July 23 - August 23
With Venus and Sun in your solar 11th house, this is a good time for your social as well as your love life. If you’re single you are likely to meet the person of your dreams. You could also benefit at work through a promotion. Organise your time so that it is not taken up entirely by the demands of other people.
August 24 - September 23
Sun and Venus in your solar 10th with Mercury and Mars in your solar 11th house stimulates work and friends. This period makes you focus on your long-term goals, friendships, and group affiliations. This could test a friendship, or a friend may experience a little crisis and ask for your help. You could suddenly find yourself amongst people through no choice of your own.
September 24 - October 23
Your horizons are most certainly expanding. Your philosophical thoughts will make your mind run wild. With Sun and your ruling planet Venus transiting your Solar 9th House, there will be many opportunities. Your financial affairs are looking up. Do not miss out on ways to better yourself in the coming weeks.
October 24 - November 22
The Sun and Venus energize your sector of change, transformation and regeneration. On a more practical level, you may be dealing with joint finances and shared resources now more than usual. You should also make sure that your tax affairs are in order along with your investments. You are more willing than usual to explore and delve deeper into life's secrets and arrive at meaningful conclusions.
November 23 - December 21
All close ties of love and affection will benefit from the gentle influence of Venus. If you are married or have a well-founded relationship, it seems that the pattern of events will somehow draw you closer together emotionally. Those who are not yet totally decided, this is a fine time to do some serious thinking.
December 22 - January 20
The Sun is in your 6th house with Venus, placing emphasizes on your daily work and health routines. This transit will help you organize and communicate your thoughts clearly at work. Relationships need to be taken care of as disputes can occur if not handled correctly. The fiery planet Mars and Mercury in your opposite sign can be both intense and passionate at the same time.
January 21 - February 19
Venus continues to favour your love life. If you are still seeking the ideal partner, things are definitely looking up. An increase in your social life is likely to bring you in touch with someone attractive. At work you need greater flexibility as well as a degree of patience. Do not step on any one's toes.
February 20 - March 20
Domestic and family interests are likely to require lots of attention as the Sun remains in your solar fourth house. With Venus and Sun in this sector could produce auspicious results for those buying or selling property. There may be some sort of financial snag that impedes the free flow of funds - take expert advice.