March 21 - April 20
This year you will benefit from activities that take place "behind the scenes" or are otherwise private. Much pleasure and growth might be found in solitude and contemplation. It’s a somewhat more withdrawn, reflective period of your life. The challenges are escapism - you must avoid drugs, drinking or any other addictions. You will find yourself in a deeply reflective mood, all the better if you are interested in such things as meditation, yoga and therapies that help you to get in closer touch with your inner self. Take time to personalise your social interactions. You should stick to a few good friends to hang out with. This is a time when various networking activities are much appreciated and offer you learning experiences. Your ideas are progressive and you are also interested in spending time with people who are like-minded. Financial ups and downs are possible, but you’re learning to live with some unpredictability. Career, professional matters, and public life continue to transform this year, requiring deep and lasting fundamental changes.
April 21 - May 21
Great year for transformation, reinvention and opportunity. A good time for networking activities, acquaintances, clubs, and organizations in your life. You can rely on your friends for their help and support, and your circle of friends would most certainly increase during this fruitful period. Your leisure and creative sector is riding high. You should enjoy a very popular phase in your life where everyone wants to invite you to parties. This will give you a chance to meet people of your own calibre and pursue any romantic liaisons that might present themselves. Career and profession highlighted. At work, you may have the desire to be in charge and lead projects. In any case, you will take your career or chosen profession more seriously this year. You will deal with responsibilities with ease. You must try to balance home/work, otherwise, you will be overwhelmed easily. Financially, you will make lots of changes and assessments regarding how to accumulate wealth.
May 22 - June 21
There will be increased public recognition and professional success during this year. People in authority or influential people will look upon you favourably. Integrity, directness, and honesty will get you everywhere now. You will find that widening your horizons will be difficult, thus greater realism and practicality will rule. This sector in your chart signifies higher learning, travelling and expanding your knowledge but somehow there will be restrictions and obstructions in your progress. You will go through a mental tug-of-war but you will emerge the wiser for your experience. Mercury, your ruling planet, goes retrograde four times in 2022. This suggests that
you need to be very careful as you could experience setbacks, communication can be garbled and words may get lost in translation. Relationships will be a lot better this year. If single, you have many opportunities to meet people, especially through work.
June 22 - July 22
This year you may have opportunities to travel, study, go abroad, expand your horizons, and meet people who are of diverse backgrounds. Your desire to expand your horizons and to reach out beyond your usual circles brings opportunity and reward. You will have energy for adventure and learning. You must try not to resist transformations, change, and growth. You will find any change stressful, bringing in anxiety and stress. This period, if managed well, can make your life richer and better. This area in your chart also signifies joint resources, alimony, taxes, insurance and deep emotions. The presence of Saturn indicates reassessing how well you manage others' resources. During this cycle you also need to deal with deep rooted emotions regarding your sexual relationships.
July 23 - August 23
Personal transformations and intimate matters fulfill you most during 2022. There may be a strong focus on others' money, such as the resources of a partner, inheritance, banking and loans, or taxes. You are more in touch with the deeper and even primal elements of your own personality. Decluttering your life will also be beneficial. Saturn is now transiting your solar Seventh house. This house in your chart signifies partnerships and relationships. This is a good time to reassess relationships and those built on weak foundations have to go. It is good to have fewer relationships in this transit. You will either feel weighed down in a relationship or you will find it difficult to make it with someone you already care about. This sort of experience can put you off relationships. This is a time to grow spiritually and be more independent.
August 24 - September 23
This year you are more likely to establish, or solidify, a significant partnership. A warm, open, and honest approach to others wins you positive new relationships, or enhances existing ones. Financial benefits could possibly come through partnerships. This can be a time of much learning in your close relationships. It's not the time to push your personal plans forward; rather, it's a cycle in which you give back to a special someone, and compromise in order to find some balance in your life. This is a period that finds you tending to many different details of your daily existence--your work, daily routines, and health matters. You need to reassess your health as this is a good time for starting new healthy regimes such as exercising, eating nutritious food and generally re-organizing your daily schedule. You may be in the position to take charge in your work, or to take charge of your health and diet. Do not be hypercritical of yourself.
September 24 - October 23
This year is a busy period that finds you tending to many different details of your daily existence. You might be tempted to take on more work than you can reasonably manage, however, be careful not to overload your schedule. You seek to perfect your skills or methods now, and you focus on improving your daily life. You will also take care of your health and it's an excellent time to find new fitness routines by joining the gym. You are particularly personally charming and ready to perform and to express yourself creatively. You will re-evaluate your talents and express yourself in a more practical, useful manner. Romances will also go through a tough time. You have a greater need than usual to be with someone you love. The emphasis is on "us" rather than "me". Your popularity is increasing, because of your own ability to cooperate and empathise with people.
October 24 - November 22
This year, you are likely to see benefits, and experience growth, in the areas of romance, pleasure, creative expression, hobbies, entertainment, and children. Love and romance may come into your life or an existing romance is enhanced with good humour and warmth. Your focus will also be on home and property. You are working on establishing your identity and exploring your roots. It seems that the winds of change begin to gather momentum and put a strong focus on domestic and family matters. Besides spending more time tending to domestic affairs, the focus can be on cultivating and nourishing your inner foundations, so to speak. Extra energy and drive will serve you well in getting things accomplished, but try not to come on too strong when you deal with others.
November 23 - December 21
This year you are likely to see benefits to home, family, property, and domestic comfort matters. Opportunities to buy or sell real estate for financial gain may present themselves. Home improvements and renovations are favoured, as is moving to a new dwelling. This is a time to recharge yourself, get in touch with your innermost feelings, connect with your roots, and spend more time with your loved ones. Use this opportunity to find ways to improve your family relations and your home environment. You are more curious and alert than usual, and you could be quite busy with errands, paperwork, phone calls, and light socialising. The ability to express and communicate your ideas is extremely important to you at this time. This is a good time to learn to network with people around you and at the same time gain information. You will at first struggle to structure your time and effort but soon learn to manage time to suit your lifestyle.
December 22 - January 20
Your communications are at their peak and any initiatives you take now will be well received by people in authority. An exchange of opinions ought to prove very enlivening at this time. Although the very practical affairs of life continue to be highlighted, you will still be very much in demand socially. Educational and communication opportunities present themselves. During this year, neighbours or relatives could be especially helpful in your life. Your focus is also on material affairs and comfort issues. Security is a driving force for you at the moment, and you might find that you are especially interested in accumulating possessions. This year your personal finances and possessions receive maximum attention. Work out budgets and be sensible in spending your money. Financial success will be steady and have patience when business matters move slowly or get delayed.
January 21 - February 19
This year, you have the chance to make lots of money and improve your standard of living. You are likely to feel more confident and enthusiastic about life. The prevailing astrological trend indicates increasing vigour and stamina. At an ordinary everyday level you can expect this to be a pleasant time, indulging in the good things of life. At a deeper level, there does appear to be a new energy stirring within you. This will urge you towards creating greater independence in your lifestyle. At times progress may be slow but don’t let that bother you. Your outlook on life changes as you adopt a more mature and responsible attitude. Now is your chance to build a secure foundation in your professional life. Take care not to take on too much at any given time. It is important for you to remain focused.
February 20 - March 20
Jupiter, your ruling planet transits your first house and this affects your personal identity, appearance, outward behavior, and self-expression. Increased energy and a renewed feeling of confidence is with you now, so take advantage of your charisma to achieve your goals.This year is very exciting for you to improve your immediate environment and self-confidence. It also heightens your optimism and generosity, and the entire transit will make you more relaxed. You create a distinct first impression on others, and your likeability increases. You need to tie up loose ends and finish with the past that has plagued you. You will go through a transformation which will test you but you will be the better for it. You are likely to require a certain amount of solitude in order to get your thoughts together or to be mentally productive. Meditation and retreats may be particularly helpful to you now, as they regenerate and invigorate your spirit.